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# Book Order
1 Sharloc holmes Sharloc holmes By Sharloc holmes

Aatish Taseer

Stranger to History: A Sons Journey Through Islamic Lands

As a child, all Aatish Taseer ever had of his father was his photograph in a browning silver frame. Raised by his Sikh mother in Delhi, his Pakistani father remained a distant figure, almost a figment of his imagination, until Aatish crossed the border when he was twenty-one to finally meet him. Inthe years that […]


Subtle and haunting, Noon is the story of Rehan Tabassum, a young man who has seen a childhood of uncertainty, and whose vulnerability has rendered him a gaze so keen that it divines easily the shifts around him: his mother and her new husband, the emergence of a dazzling new India, the retreat of the […]