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# Book Order

Amit Chaudhuri

The Immortals

Amit Chaudhuriƒ??s highly acclaimed novel now in a new superbly designed paperback format. Selling Points: A New Yorker, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe and Irish Times Criticsƒ?? Book of the Year. Shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best Book, the DSC Literature Prize, and the Crossword Vodafone Prize. ƒ?? A command performance. Even in […]

Afternoon Raag

Described as a ƒ??felicitous prose poemƒ??, Afternoon Raag is the account of a young Bengali man who is studying at Oxford University and caught in complicated love triangle. His loneliness and melancholy sharpen his memories of home, which come back to haunt him in vivid, sensory detail. Intensely moving, superbly written, Afternoon Raag is a […]

Freedom Song

A boy spends a summer and a winter with his parents in a Bombay high-rise, and spends other summers in Calcutta immersed in the more traditional life of his uncles extended family … A young man at Oxford, whose memories of home in Bombay bring both comfort and melancholy, faces a choice between “clinging to […]

The Picador Book of Modern Indian Literature

This comprehensive anthology of modern Indian writing, covering about a hundred and fifty years, shatters many illusions about the literature of this continent. Translations from Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, and the south sit alongside writing in English, bringing to light the greatest and most engaging writers from Indiaƒ??s recent history. With insightful introductions to the writers […]