Born and brought up in Chembur, a Mumbai suburb, in the ??80s, Raghu Kumar has his first brush with filmstars as a child. Ever since, he is intrigued by the workings of Bollywood. In the ??90s, Raghu is hired by popular film journalist Rajeev Mehra for the prestigious newspaper The News. His big story is […]
n the introduction to Skeleton Crew (1985), his second collection of stories, King pokes fun at his penchant for “literary elephantiasis,” makes scatological jokes about his muse, confesses how much money he makes (gross and net), and tells a story about getting arrested one time when he was “suffused with the sort of towering, righteous […]
Martha Carrier was hanged on August 19th 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, unyielding in her refusal to admit to being a witch, going to her death rather than joining the ranks of men and women who confessed and were thereby spared execution. Like her mother, young Sarah Carrier is bright and wilful, openly challenging the small, […]
When Jean Sasson??s book Princess: Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia was published, it became an immediate international bestseller. It sold to 43 countries and spent 13 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list. Now, in this long-awaited, compelling new book, Sasson and the Princess ??Sultana?? return to tell the world what it […]
Meena founded the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan in 1977 as a twenty-year-old Kabul University student. She was assassinated in 1987 at the age of thirty, and lives on in the hearts of all progressive Muslim women. Her voice, speaking for freedom, has never been silenced. The compelling story of Meenas struggle for […]
Now Stephen King brings listeners his most gripping and unforgettable novel–a story of grief and a lost loves enduring bonds, of a new love haunted by the secrets of the past, of an innocent child caught in a terrible crossfire of natural and supernatural forces. Set in the territory King has made mythic–on the banks […]
The colorful chaos of a bustling mercantile street is portrayed in this provocative tale of “town and gown” against the backdrop of very proper Cambridge, England. Set in the fictional IndiaNeed Shop on the very real Mill Road, it revolves around the misadventures of the all-female volunteer staff??three wildly disparate East Asians, one fiery Irishwoman, […]
The tall handsome Abdul Karim was just twenty-four when he arrived in England from Agra to wait at tables during Queen Victoria s Golden Jubilee. An assistant clerk at Agra Central Jail, he suddenly found himself a personal attendant to the Empress of India herself. Within a year, he was established as a powerful figure […]
Toby Temple is a superstar, the worlds funniest man. He gets any woman that he wants, but under the superstar image is a lonely man. Jill Castle is a sensuous starlet. She has a dark and mysterious past and has an ambition even greater than Tobys. Together they rule Hollywood.
If America had a royal family, the Taylor Winthrops would wear the crown. The popular, charismatic Winthrops have captured the imagination of the world with their public service, their enormous charity, and their glamorous lives. But in the period of one year, all five members of the family are killed in a series of accidents. […]