The explosive sequel to The Carpetbaggers is set in an atmosphere of wealth, decadence, and unbridled sexuality, ranging in scene from Las Vegas to Mexico City, New York and Havana. This electrifying tale continues the Cord family saga, pitting Jonas Cord, Jr. against his illegitimate son, Bat, in a struggle for control of a vast […]
Ronald Holbrrok is a fifty-seven-year-old bachelor who has lived in the same house for twenty years. Jane Doughty, the daughter of his next-door neighbours, is seventeen. She suddenly decides she is inlove with Ronald and wants to marry him. Everyone is amused at first but then events take a disturbingly sinister turn and Ronald finds […]
After Minty Malones fianc answers the crucial question with a resounding “NO,” Minty navigates a sudden U-turn back up the aisle and throws her bouquet (over a bridge). It may not be the happiest day of her life. But it just might turn out to be the luckiest….
Nefertiti is one of the worlds great legendary beauties. Seen through her sisters eyes, she is vividly brought to life in this heartbreaking story of celebrity, ambition, love and loss. At the tender age of fifteen, Nefertiti marries Akhenaten, the Prince of Egypt, her dreams coming true as she rises to fame and fortune. Bathed […]
In ancient Egypt, a forgotten princess must overcome her family??s past, and remake history. The winds of change are blowing through Thebes. A devastating palace fire has killed the 18th dynasty??s royal family??all with the exception of Nefertari, niece of the reviled former queen Nefertiti. The girl??s deceased family has been branded as heretical, and […]
Hazel Bannock is the heir to the Bannock Oil Corp, one of the major oil producers with global reach. While cruising in the Indian Ocean, Hazels private yacht is hijacked by African pirates. Hazel is not on board at the time, but her nineteen year old daughter, Cayla, is kidnapped and held to ransom. The […]
Rebellious and affectionate, Maggie Tulliover is always in trouble. Recalling her own experiences as a girl, George Eliot describes Maggies turbulent childhood with a sympathetic engagement that makes the early chapters of The Mill on the Floss among the most immediately attractive she ever wrote.
The worlds bestselling novelist is back with Never Enough, a new novel of fast and loose trading, of stocks as well as sexual partners, following the rise and fall of New York power broker David Shea. When David Shea, a high powered Wall Street investment banker blows off his twenty-fifth high school reunion, he essentially […]
Exodus is an international publishing phenomenon–the towering novel of the twentieth centurys most dramatic geopolitical event. Leon Uris magnificently portrays the birth of a new nation in the midst of enemies–the beginning of an earthshaking struggle for power. Here is the tale that swept the world with its fury: the story of an American nurse, […]
With the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards created the riffs, the lyrics and the songs that roused the world, and over four decades he lived the original rock and roll life: taking the chances he wanted, speaking his mind, and making it all work in a way that no one before him had ever done. Now, […]
The breathtaking suspense of Kiss the Girls and the authenticity of N.Y.P.D. Blue: Welcome to James Pattersons classic superthriller, BLACK FRIDAY. A courageous federal agent, a powerful and resourceful woman lawyer – only they can possibly stop the unspeakable from happening. New York City is under siege by a secret militia group – and thats […]
The body count is rising. Shaken by recent events, Amy and Dan flee to a distant land and trace the footsteps of their most formidable ancestor yet: a military leader of mythic proportions. Yet just as the siblings begin to master the art of ancient warfare, they confront a dangerous enemy that cant be felled […]