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# Book Order
1 Sharloc holmes Sharloc holmes By Sharloc holmes

Self Help

The Secret Hero (English)

Hero is the compendium of wisdom from twelve men and women who have wrought success into their lives. Their lives were plagued with hardships but they survived and thrived through them all. Everyone has a hero inside, waiting to be awoken. Rhonda Byrne reinforces her beliefs in this book, that inspiration is all around us, […]

13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck (English)

Life isnƒ??t always easy. There are people who seem to drive through it with hard work and talent. There are others who just fall by the wayside. Then there are those who seem to find luck wherever they go. They seem to have some mysterious way of attracting luck, empowering them in all that they […]

Universal Message of the Bhagavad Gita (Volume ? 2)

Swami Ranganathananda, President Ramakrishna Math had given a series of Sunday lectures at Hyderabd, India at the Math premises. These Lectures are published in Book form in three volumes. Volume One is already listed on the Amazon Site. This is Volume 2. The subtitle explains the contents and reads as “An Exposition of the Gita […]

The Art of Happiness (English)

In this book, spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet and Nobel Prize winner, Dalai Lama tells his readers that happiness is the purpose of life and that every decision we take is to achieve happiness in life. With the help of conversations, stories, and meditations, the Dalai Lama shows his readers how to overcome anxiety, […]

How to Think Like Mandela

Nelson Mandela was one of the few men in recent history who genuinely changed the world – how we think about our place in society among other ethnic, political and religious groups and how perseverance, moral conscience and honest dialog can help us achieve anything. Throughout his long life, he faced struggles against odds and […]

Living a Charmed Life: Your Guide to Finding Magic in Every Moment of Every Day (English)

Living a charmed life is your birthright, one that you can start to claim as soon as you take to heartƒ??and put into actionƒ??the practical and spiritual tips youll find here. These lucky charms, honed from Victorias own life experiences, will elevate your attitude, change the way you see yourself, and help you to improve […]

Im Ok-Youre Ok (English)

“Happy childhood” notwithstanding, most of us are living out the NOT OK feelings of a defenseless CHILD wholly dependent on OK others for stroking and care. By the third year of life, says Dr. Harris, most of us have made the unconscious decision IM NOT OK-YOURE OK. This negative Life Position, shared by successful and […]

29 Gifts (English)

29 Gifts is a book written by Cami Walker. The book traces certain events that took place in the authorƒ??s life. She was diagnosed with a neurological condition and was struggling to cope up with the news when she received an uncommon prescription from an African woman, asking her to give away 29 gifts to […]

Practicing The Power Of Now : Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now

Practicing The Power Of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now is a collection of excerpts from the authorƒ??s bestselling book, The Power Of Now. It contains exercises and keys that help the reader in discovering for themselves and the calm that comes by quieting their thoughts and being in the […]

The Secret Letters : A Fable About Living Your Best Life from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Jonathan Landry is in a difficult phase in his life. He is experiencing the depths of despair, as he struggles to find motivation in his job, and is in a marriage thatƒ??s falling apart. During this phase, he happens to meet with his cousin Julian Mantle, the courtroom lawyer whose life was transformed after he […]

Zen Garden : Conversations with Pathmakers

The book contains some of the most noted conversations that the author, Bagchi Sobroto, has had with the people he had interviewed for a column he wrote for Forbes almost three years ago. Some of the conversations from the Zen Garden that are included in this book are with the Dalai Lama, Ekta Kapoor, Kiran […]

Autobiography of a Yogi

Autobiography Of A Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananda is not just his lifeƒ??s history, but an account of his spiritual journey and his trysts with people who inspired and influenced his life. The authorƒ??s spiritual quest started early in life, as he was always curious about what lay beyond mere bodily existence. His interest in spirituality […]

Teach Yourself to Think

Edward de Bonos masterly books offers a structure that broadens our ability to respond and cope with a vast range of situations. “Teach Yourself to Think” is software for the brain, turning it into a successful thinking mechanism, and, as such, will prove of immense value to us all.

First Things First

First Things First is a self-help book written by the renowned author Stephen R. Covey. It is a guide for those who wish to master the art of time management. It teaches the reader how to balance their life. The traditional time management tricks preach that one needs to work hard, be smart and fast […]

The Speed of Trust

From Stephen R. Coveys eldest son comes a revolutionary new path towards productivity and satisfaction. Trust, says Stephen M.R. Covey, is the very basis of the new global economy, and he shows how trust?and the speed at which it is established with clients, employees and constituents?is the essential ingredient for any high?performance, successful organization. For […]

The Carey Formula

How To Develop Self-Confidence And Influence People By Public Speaking is a book by Dale Carnegie, the popular writer, lecturer, and business trainer who is well-known for his self-help books. The book educates readers on how to conquer performance anxiety and speak confidently in public, and Dale Carnegie uses his vast experience to provide tips […]