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Discover The Diamond In You

“This one, which you are holding in your hands, I can assure you is a real diamond . . . The 9Ps of success that Arindam so swiftly and lucidly narrates will help you overcome failures and achieve success – because we all need some guidelines when we are down . . . This book is guaranteed to inspire you and it will definitely get you started on your path to discover the diamond within. There is a lifetime of learning squeezed into this innovative book. 59 minutes is all Arindam asks from you and you will have a more positive approach to your life forever. I finished this book in 59 minutes flat and it read like a story I have often lived and experienced. You too will discover a part of yourself in these pages and get inspired.” “Simple and Realistic … Empowering and Motivating …” AMITABH BACHCHAN FOREWORD by the Success Icon of Billion Hearts! SHAH RUKH KHAN!!!

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