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# Book Order
1 Sharloc holmes Sharloc holmes By Sharloc holmes

River God

River God, first published in 1994, is a tale of the fate of a glorious Egyptian civilization. It is part of the authorƒ??s four Egyptian book series. It is narrated by Taita, a highly skilled and gifted eunuch, who is a slave to Lord Intef. Taita is given the responsibility of taking care of the Lordƒ??s daughter, fourteen year old Lostris. She is extremely beautiful, and the Pharaoh of Egypt wishes to marry her. However, this young girl is in love with an army officer named Tanus. Unknown to the two lovers, their relationship is an impossibility because her father, Lord Intef, hates the young warrior and had once betrayed Tanusƒ?? father. The Pharaoh makes Lostris his wife, and her father gifts the loyal slave, Taita, to her as a wedding gift.

Meanwhile, Tanus brings to light the troubles that Egypt is facing. The Pharaoh doesnƒ??t like his bluntness, and sentences him to death.

However, Tanus is given the opportunity to redeem himself by killing all the bandits that are a threat to Egypt within the next two years. Tanus and Taita team up, and manage to capture the head of the Shrike bandits. River God elaborates on the happenings in this kingdom and how Lostris successfully conceals the truth of the paternity of her child from the Pharaoh. The book focusses on the danger presented to them from the technologically more powerful enemy and how the characters try to combat the harsh conditions introduced in their lives.

River God is a compelling tale of love, war, deception, and passion.

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