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# Book Order
1 Sharloc holmes Sharloc holmes By Sharloc holmes

Surviving Women

Times have changed, and itƒ??s hard being a man, for there is now a strange new species around: The Modern Womanƒ??urban, independent, uncompromising, and entirely sure of her place in the world. In this guide for the CIM (Confused India Male), Jerry Pinto provides tips on how to get by in the new worldƒ??how to survive the woman you love, or the one who dumps you; your wife, or your ex-wife; your daughter; your mother; your female colleagues. Along the way, he also answers some pressing questions about manhood. Quotes: ƒ??Humourous, provocative, tongue in cheek, ribald . . . Jerry Pinto has a wicked way with wordsƒ??ƒ??Indian Review of Books ƒ??Gloriously, wickedly funny . . . [Jerry Pinto] conjures up scenes of confrontation with women with an imagination so baroque that they canƒ??t help being screamingly funny . . . This is a tremendous book in the P.J. Oƒ??Rourke traditionƒ??ƒ?? Literary Review ƒ??Jerry Pinto . . . does not pontificate or sermonize. He is able to laugh at himself and everyone else, and you are able to laugh with him . . . [Surviving Women] is fun to read, bubbling with chuckle-worthy chutzpah, daffy details, titillating turns of phraseƒ??ƒ??Biblio ƒ??Hilarious . . . This is a very witty, intuitive and highly perceptive bookƒ??ƒ??Femina ƒ??[Surviving Women] treats gender differences with frankness, humour and even, at times, tendernessƒ??ƒ??The Statesman ƒ??A well-researched, racy read . . . funny and merciless towards both gendersƒ??ƒ??India Today Author Bio: After trying out teaching mathematics, reorganizing bookshelves, peddling calcium syrups (with magnesium added), and writing the odd piece for the Sunday papers (and some very odd pieces they were too), Jerry Pinto now dotcoms with a vigour belied by his paunch and receding hairline. He also writes poetry and claims to be a paid-up member of PS (Parenthesis Anonymous)

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