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# Book Order

The Sight: Premonitions/Disappearance

Gracie has premonitions. They???ve haunted her since before her mother???s death, and she can???t get rid of them. She doesn???t know how to deal with them and she doesn???t want to–they???ve never led to anything good. She never knows whether she???s seeing the past, the present, or the future–it just comes to her. But Gracie is forced to try to use her premonitions. Her best friend, Emily, disappears, and the premonitions lead to the only clues to where she might be–and how she might be saved. Gracie???s longabsent father reappears, and his history appears to be mysteriously linked to the disappearance of a student many years ago–and the recent appearance of a body.

Only Gracie???s premonitions lead to answers to some dark family secrets. In these two novels, Judy Blundell (writing as Jude Watson) takes readers on a suspenseful journey where premonitions become a matter of life and death.

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