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Through Time into Healing : How past life regression therapy can heal mind, body and soul

Memories are powerful things. Most people are affected by the memories they have, both good and bad. In some cases, these memories might be traumatic, causing mental and even physical problems for the person.

Regression therapy uses hypnosis to take the patient back into their deep memories, revealing things that might not be obvious at the conscious level. These are the memories and impressions that might be causing problems. These mental impressions might go back a long time, even into early childhood.

Through Time Into Healing: How Past Life Regression Therapy Can Heal Mind, Body And Soul discusses this regression therapy and how it helps patients. Even more interesting than normal regression is the regression into past lives. The author was using normal regression on patients, he did not believe in past lives.

That was until one of his patients started recollecting many incidents from many of her past lives. She also stunned her therapist by talking to him about his father and his first son, both of whom were dead. There was no obvious means by which his patient could have known such facts about these two people.

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