Waiting For The Mahatma is set in the fictional town of Malgudi. It follows the story of its leading characters, Sriram and Bharati, amidst turbulent events taking place during the period 1939 to 1947 in India??s struggle for freedom, that saw a great upsurge in nationalism and culminated with the partitioning of India.
Sriram, a young twenty year old lives with his grandmother in Malgudi in Southern India. Completely enchanted with a girl in the neighbourhood named, Bharati, whom he finds witty, capable, wonderful, unpredictable, infuriating, and condescending all at once, he is experiencing young love, marking his entry into manhood.
Bharti is loyally devoted to the cause of Mahatma Gandhi, and actively involved in his Quit India Movement. Influenced by her passionate devotion, and introduced to revolutionary Gandhian philosophies by her, Sriram too, dedicates himself to Gandhi??s service, and becomes an activist.
Waiting For The Mahatma begins as an unusual love story, taking on a deeper meaning, as readers witness the triumphs and tribulations of Sriram, as an impassioned member of Gandhi??s entourage, devoted to his ideals. Amidst a nationwide political struggle, Sriram ends up with certain anti-British fanatics, and partaking in their clandestine activities, much to the disappointment of his grandmother.
The novel written in true R. K. Narayan??s brand of subtle wit and humour, features the presence of Gandhi as a character, one of the book??s main highlights. Waiting For The Mahatma has been deemed to be one of R. K. Narayans most successful novels.
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